A downloadable tool for Windows and Linux

You traveled through time and space to find the perfect notepad. That was until you found this notepad made for the olc codejam 2021...

PlatformsWindows, Linux


Future notepad for Linux.tar.gz 921 kB
Future notepad for Windows.zip 907 kB
Sourcecode.zip 4 kB

Install instructions

Install the latest version of Java from here https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase-jdk16-downloads.html, or from any other site, as long as it's version 11.0.12 or higher. If you're on Windows, open the FutureNotepad.jar file with Java. If you are on GNU/Linux, open the AppImage. That will open FutureNotepad.jar for you, but you need  to install Java too!


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Very cool, Future notepad :)

I did not know how to install it.

You need to install Java. Then open the FutureNotepad.jar file with  Java. Did that solve your problem?

Unfortunately I did an update and it shows me a JNI error. Then an exception.

Oh... Then I can't help you. I never had that kind of problems. But I hope you can enjoy the rest of  the Codejam!

(1 edit)

Wait, I think I know why you getting this error! When you run a Java version that is below 11.0.12 (the version I used to develop future notepad), it won't work! You can get the latest version from here: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase-jdk16-downloads.html. Did that finally solve your error?

TY ! That work :)

(1 edit)

Yeah!!! Do you like it? It's simple but it comes from the future!